Jumat, 18 November 2011


A word, phrase, or clause that functions as an adjective or adverb to limit or qualify the meaning of another word or word group (called the head). Modifiers that appear before the head are called premodifiers. Modifiers that appear after the head are called postmodifiers.

By adding modifying phrases to the end of a sentence, a writer can take the reader in new, sometimes unexpected directions. A resumptive modifier picks up a word or phrase from a sentence that seems to be finished and then adds information and takes the reader into new territory of thought. Because resumptive modifiers are, by nature, repetitive, they tend also to add a sense of rhythm to a sentence.

Example :
Father drives car very carefully.
He eats two hamburgers.
We are going to biology class.
She makes a sweet cake.
I write a good sentence.

Sumber : http://grammar.about.com/od/mo/g/modterm.htm


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